=== The Events Calendar Extension: Test Data Generator === Contributors: theeventscalendar, aguseo, bordoni, Camwyn, lirianojoel, lucatume Donate link: http://evnt.is/29 Tags: events, calendar Requires at least: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.0 Requires PHP: 7.3 Stable tag: 1.2.0 License: GPL version 3 or any later version License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html == Description == This extension aims to provide an automated tool to generate high quality, life-like data for The Events Calendar family of plugins. == Installation == Install and activate like any other plugin! * You can upload the plugin zip file via the *Plugins ‣ Add New* screen * You can unzip the plugin and then upload to your plugin directory (typically _wp-content/plugins_) via FTP * Once it has been installed or uploaded, simply visit the main plugin list and activate it == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I find more extensions? = Please visit our [extension library](https://theeventscalendar.com/extensions/) to learn about our complete range of extensions for The Events Calendar and its associated plugins. = What if I experience problems? = Please create a GitHub issue inside the project. == Changelog == = [1.2.0] 2023-07-28 = * Feature - Through the interface, the generator will now batch entity creation into WP Cron or Action Scheduler events. It will process 50 entities per run. * Feature - Adding `Content Length` field to customize how large the post content is for Events being created. The default is to set around 200-300 characters of content. This is especially relevant for situations where we cache and serialize events with their content. = [1.1.0] 2023-06-22 = * Version - The Events Calendar Test Data Generator 1.1.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.1.2 and higher. * Version - The Events Calendar Test Data Generator 1.1.0 is only compatible with Event Tickets 5.6.1 and higher. * Fix - Lock our container usage(s) to the new Service_Provider contract in tribe-common. This prevents conflicts and potential fatals with other plugins that use a di52 container. = [1.0.10] 2023-04-06 = * Fix - update `from_date` and `to_date` argument names in $args sent from Command to Event::create so that selected dates are honored. * Fix - update event category and tag declaration to prevent undefined array key PHP warnings. = [1.0.9] 2022-09-12 = * Enhancement - Support comma-separated list of category and tag names in wp-cli. * Enhancement - Gracefully handle pre-existing category and tag names. = [1.0.8] 2022-06-29 = * Fix - An undefined index error was occurring when generating events. = [1.0.7] 2022-06-24 = * Fix - Ensure `_EventDuration` meta of generated Events is set to the correct value. * Enhancement - Add support for the `-fast-occurrences-insertion` option to insert Recurring Events occurrences in the database directly. = [1.0.6] 2022-06-01 = * Enhancement - Add support for Tickets Menu. * Fix - Generating events without a custom category will no longer throw warnings/errors. = [1.0.5] 2020-10-29 = * Enhancement - Display request time-out warning across the UI, to let users know which requests may time-out and next steps. * Feature - Add option to generate events marked as "Featured event". * Feature - Add custom Event Category for generated events. * Feature - Add custom Tag for generated events. = [1.0.4] 2020-08-11 = * Enhancement - Add WP-CLI support for creating Virtual and Recurring events, and support for the TEC Reset functionality. * Feature - Add progress bar to WP-CLI functionality. * Feature - Add Event Category and Tag for generated events. * Fix - Update event cost meta after creating RSVP or Ticket so the event cost info can be displayed correctly in the calendar views. = [1.0.3] 2020-07-30 = * Feature - Ability to create Recurring Events. * Feature - Option to reset TEC settings to "factory defaults". * Enhancement - Updated UI to allow more detailed control over the amount of Venues, Organizers or Events that can be generated, as well as to provide a wider range of options for the event's date range. = [1.0.2] 2020-07-14 = * Feature - Ability to create Virtual Events with YouTube embed or Zoom meeting link. Requires Virtual Events 1.0.1 or later. = [1.0.1] 2020-07-07 = * Feature - Add WP-CLI support. = [] 2020-06-29 = * Fix - Prevent crash in Admin page if Event Tickets is not available. = [1.0.0] 2020-06-26 = * Feature - Automatically generate test Organizers. * Feature - Automatically generate test Venues. * Feature - Automatically generate test Events. * Feature - Ability to select date range for test Events creation. * Feature - Ability to add RSVP to generated test Events. * Feature - Ability to add Ticket to generated test Events. * Feature - Upload randomly selected images from Picsum.photos into your WP site. * Feature - Delete only automatically generated test Organizers, Venues and Events. * Feature - Delete ALL existing Organizers, Venues and Events.