= 0.2.26 - 2024-09-12 = * Primary color setting not working after update - FIXED = 0.2.25 - 2024-09-05 = * Don't apply custom colors to wp-admin - CHANGED = 0.2.24 - 2024-08-29 = * Changes for search form conditional fields - CHANGED = 0.2.23 - 2024-08-08 = * Conditional field set default value changes - CHANGED = 0.2.22 - 2024-08-01 = * Conditional field don't reset field value on hide element - FIXED = 0.2.21 - 2024-07-31 = * JS error on FSE theme edit template part page - FIXED = 0.2.20 - 2024-07-05 = * Multiple carousels breaks carousel in modal - FIXED = 0.2.19 - 2024-07-04 = * Video in lightbox is not working - FIXED * Stop video playing in slideshow on move to next slide - FIXED = 0.2.18 - 2024-06-27 = * Pagination style conflict on Hello Elementor theme - FIXED = 0.2.17 - 2024-06-20 = * Carousel slide swipe in BS modal is not working on touch device - FIXED = 0.2.16 - 2024-06-13 = * Buttons after click when still have :focus can have wrong box-shadow if colour has been changed - FIXED = 0.2.15 - 2024-05-22 = * Checkbox not showing hand cursor on hover - FIXED = 0.2.14 - 2024-05-09 = * Label type top don't have margin to label - FIXED * Improvements for aui_lightbox_embed() function - CHANGED = 0.2.13 - 2024-05-02 = * BS4 lightbox displays blurred image - FIXED * Fix PHP notice in HEX to RGB conversion - FIXED * Outline buttons not using correct text color when user adjusted colors in block themes - FIXED = 0.2.12 - 2024-04-25 = * Enhance BS4 to BS5 class replacements - CHANGED = 0.2.11 - 2024-04-11 = * .link-* classes not respecting editor color change - FIXED = 0.2.10 - 2024-04-04 = * Safari wp-admin plupload overflow issue on hidden input causing horizontal scroll issue - FIXED = 0.2.9 - 2024-03-19 = * BS5 styles can call broken font awesome url from css - FIXED * Plugin check review - DONE = 0.2.8 - 2024-02-22 = * Gallery padding made slider images taller than single images - FIXED * aui_modal_iframe() function not loading iframe when bs5 selected - FIXED = 0.2.7 - 2024-01-25 = * Single quote breaks validation message - FIXED * WP Editor Styles can now style headings, links, typography - ADDED * Unused icons font file can load if old class used - FIXED = 0.2.5 - 2023-12-14 = * Update textdomain - CHANGED * Inline CSS breaks p element in block editor - FIXED = 0.2.4 = * Last ios fix broke standard image select from library - FIXED = 0.2.3 = * iOS add listing add images button not working - FIXED = 0.2.1 = * Manage native mobile datepicker for date or time input on mobile - CHANGED * plupload button on safari can overflow and block other page elements - FIXED = 0.2.0 = * color-scheme-flip-on-scroll feature should flip when mobile menu opened even if not scrolled - FIXED * Font awesome icon-picker searcher updated to latest 6.x - UPDATED * Icon picker will now show icons v5 or v6 depending on Font Awesome Settings - CHANGED = 0.1.98 = * Greedy tab links not showing properly in mobile device - FIXED = 0.1.97 = * BS5 removed mb-3 on slider as it was causing padding issues on GD when mixed Single and Slider archives - CHANGED * image cover classes are not vertically centering image - FIXED = 0.1.96 = * BS4 to BS5 font italic class is not working - FIXED * Custom pallet colors not showing in BS5 when selected as a color in block - FIXED = 0.1.94 = * Fix conditional field for multiselect field type in search bar - FIXED = 0.1.93 = * Rounded right not working in BS5 - FIXED * Firefox and Safari can have issues displaying images with the .ratio class - FIXED = 0.1.92 = * removed extra styling in bs5 for deprecated .form-group class - REMOVED * Multiple AUI lightbox instances can prevent scrollbar coming back once closed - FIXED = 0.1.91 = * Improvements to BS5 compatibility - ADDED = 0.1.90 = * Improvements for FSE color pallet changes - CHANGED * Default value as BS v5 should not have been set yet - FIXED = 0.1.89 = * Prevent conditional fields execution twice on select2 - FIXED * Changes to BS5 CSS - CHANGED * Added notice when theme is overriding default settings - ADDED = 0.1.88 = * BS 4/5 functions split to separate files - CHANGED * Tweaks for FSE styles - ADDED * $aui_bs5 global added for detecting if BS5 is active - ADDED = 0.1.86 = * Tweaks for FSE styles - ADDED * Added support for Bootstrap v5 - (NOT YET COMPLETE) = 0.1.85 = * Bootstrap updated to latest v4.6.2 - UPDATED = 0.1.84 = * Compatibility added for BlockStrap theme - ADDED = 0.1.83 = * Filter for default settings - ADDED = 0.1.82 = * Added CSS build file for FSE to fix consistency issues - ADDED * Increased spacer options from 5 to 12 - ADDED * FSE CSS can now be activated in other themes by adding constant AUI_FSE - ADDED = 0.1.81 = * Tweaks for FSE - ADDED = 0.1.80 = * Flatpickr CSS conflict fix - FIXED * Tweaks for FSE - ADDED = 0.1.79 = * Hover animations class tweaks - CHANGED = 0.1.77 = * FSE tweaks - ADDED = 0.1.76 = * Open video popup on badge click when available - ADDED * Changes added for upcoming FSE BlockStrap theme - ADDED = 0.1.75 = * Font Awesome Settings Dequeue option can disable iconpicker - FIXED * aui_init_counters() helper functions added to animate number counters - ADDED * Classes added for bg-transparent-until-scroll - ADDED * .embed-has-action animations now smoother - CHANGED = 0.1.74 = * Style is not loading when WordPress installed on sub-directory - FIXED = 0.1.73 = * Conditional field multiselect field don't match for specific option - FIXED * Allow to run conditional fields on custom event trigger - ADDED = 0.1.72 = * Input now has "size" option: sm, small, lg, large - ADDED * Input now has "clear_icon" that will show a clear icon when field has value if set to true - ADDED = 0.1.71 = * TikTok class added for .btn-tiktok - ADDED = 0.1.70 = * select2 can sometimes double initiate - FIXED = 0.1.69 = * Parameter added to be able to directly echo functions - ADDED = 0.1.68 = * Bootstrap updated to 4.6.1 - UPDATED = 0.1.67 = * input_group_left/right now supported by textareas - ADDED = 0.1.66 = * Textarea shows stripped some part for variable like %category% - FIXED = 0.1.65 = * Changes for Avada builder backend settings display - FIXED * Change all script/style versions to AUI version to invalidate cache on each change - CHANGED * Toast sometimes hidden by support widgets - FIXED * Select field option don't show option selected when value is empty - FIXED = 0.1.64 = * minimised version of iconpicker JS missing from release - FIXED = 0.1.63 = * Deprecated: version_compare(): Passing null to parameter - FIXED * iconpicker input type added - ADDED * aui_modal_iframe() function added to show iframes in a modal - ADDED * aui_toast() function added to add toasts to the screen - ADDED * aui_confirm() function added to replace JS confirm with a bootstrap alternative - ADDED * modal in wp-admin not showing correctly - FIXED * Admin notice added if admin settings not set to defaults - ADDED = 0.1.62 = * Grid view .gv-hide-0 class added to hide items on list view - ADDED = 0.1.61 = * Escape validation pattern - FIXED = 0.1.60 = * Conditional fields changes - CHANGED = 0.1.59 = * Parameter added to add attributes to main wrapper - ADDED * Conditional fields scripts added - ADDED = 0.1.58 = * Filter added to be able to override AUI loading from wp-admin - ADDED = 0.1.57 = * Video shows extra padding on Divi theme - FIXED = 0.1.56 = * Radio with empty value do not renders value attribute - FIXED = 0.1.55 = * Add unique CSS class to radio/checkbox wrapper - ADDED * Added wp_unslash() to value output helper - ADDED = 0.1.53 = * Better escaping for input values - CHANGED = 0.1.52 = * WP 5.8 legacy widgets preview not loading styles - FIXED = 0.1.51 = * Textarea "name" arg can't contain [square brackets] - FIXED = 0.1.50 = * Scroll within popup scrolls the modal background on iOS mobile device - FIXED = 0.1.49 = * Unable to save empty value for multiselect fields - FIXED * Text left/right classes alignment swapped for RTL CSS - CHANGED = 0.1.48 = * Tooltips in wp-admin have wrong margin offset - FIXED * Inline CSS and JS is now minified to reduce size - CHANGED = 0.1.47 = * Timeago labels are not translatable - FIXED * Kleo theme fix for mobile menu in some situations not showing - FIXED = 0.1.46 = * JS function added to open embedded items in a lightbox gallery - ADDED = 0.1.45 = * Some texts missing a textdomain - FIXED = 0.1.44 = * Field description is missing for radio field - FIXED * WP 5.7 Gutenberg widgets screen breaks some AUI CSS - FIXED * Calendar labels are not translatable - FIXED * Select2 JS labels are not translatable - FIXED = 0.1.43 = * AUI will now only load on backend (wp-admin) pages if the screen id has been added via filter 'aui_screen_ids' - BREAKING CHANGE = 0.1.42 = * Theme check wrongly thinks we hide the admin bar so we move CSS to PHP file - CHANGED = 0.1.41 = * Time ago feature is not working - FIXED * Allow HTML tags in textarea field with allow_tags attribute - ADDED * Bootstrap v3 compatibility CSS function added to help with some conflicts - ADDED * Textarea (non wysiwyg) now supports `extra_attributes` - ADDED = 0.1.40 = * BS Full mode on backend causes style conflicts, warning added - ADDED = 0.1.39 = * flatpickr calendar can sometimes have the year select hidden on some themes - FIXED = 0.1.38 = * List group item spacing and border using wrong rule - FIXED = 0.1.36 = * Show JS error when field condition has "form" word - FIXED * Bootstrap Updated to 4.5.3 - CHANGED * RTL support added for RTL languages - ADDED = 0.1.35 = * Conditional fields shows JavaScript error - FIXED = 0.1.34 = * Select input names with [multiples] being sanitized too much - FIXED * Map source file comments removed from CSS files - CHANGED * Not possible to use 0 as a value or placeholder - FIXED = 0.1.33 = * Select2 not being added if other JS options selected - FIXED * Inputs now have wrap_class argument to add classes to the wrapper - ADDED = 0.1.32 = * Multi-select not always adding [] to name attribute - FIXED * Multi-select not checking if values is_array - FIXED = 0.1.30 = * Changes for theme check - CHANGED = 0.1.28 = * Allow menus to have multiple submenus with by adding class .navbar-multi-sub-menus - ADDED = 0.1.26 = * List view image not fully taking up column - FIXED * clear-both class added - ADDED = 0.1.25 = * Primary and Secondary default colors can be set via PHP constant - ADDED * Replace jQuery deprecated load() function - CHANGED = 0.1.24 = * Added ability to add multiple visible items to a slider responsively - ADDED = 0.1.23 = * Conditional fields options now work with AUI inputs - ADDED * Changed flatpickr to a data attribute initiator - CHANGED * aui_init_flatpickr() can have a race condition - FIXED * Greedy nav can break if initiated twice - FIXED = 0.1.22 = * In admin add script to footer to avoid jQuery UI tooltip issues - CHANGED = 0.1.21 = * Added top and floating label type - ADDED * Added admin fix for gutenberg color input not showing color on some browsers - FIXED = 0.1.20 = * Button now has icon_extra_attributes option - ADDED * extra_attributes now available on more input types - ADDED * icon_extra_attributes added to buttons - ADDED = 0.1.19 = * Select placeholder not showing for select2 - FIXED * code font size too small for mobile SEO - FIXED * extra_attributes array now work with buttons - ADDED * Added input to be able to disable loading of scripts in wp-admin certain URLs - ADDED = 0.1.18 = * Hide grid view elements on small breakpoints - ADDED * Grid view 0 (list view) not going 100% if smaller grid view classes active - FIXED = 0.1.17 = * Added grid view hide secondary info classes - ADDED * Floating label classes added - ADDED = 0.1.16 = * bg-initial and bg-inherit background classes added - ADDED * Init flatpickr with class aui-flatpickr - ADDED = 0.1.15 = * Radio inputs now available - ADDED * Flatpickr date/time picker script - ADDED * Use wp_kses_post() on label output instead of esc_attr() - CHANGED = 0.1.14 = * Popovers don't have full styling in compatibility mode - FIXED * Badges now support branding variants - ADDED = 0.1.13 = * Badge hover actions not working due to wrong nesting when using compatibility mode - FIXED * Classes added for badge absolute and angled positioning - ADDED * WP admin bar overlaps modal when open - FIXED * Select not using vendor prefix to hide default arrow - FIXED = 0.1.11 = * IOS scroll bar class .scrollbars-ios added - ADDED = 0.1.10 = * Embed item cover classes added - ADDED * Input group inside ability added - ADDED = 0.1.8 = * Checkbox / radio can now set an item selected by setting argument `checked` to true - ADDED = 0.1.7 = * variable $js_default_backend not defined in some cases - FIXED = 0.1.6 = * Separate backend settings added for JS/CSS - ADDED = 0.1.5 = * Fix stripslashes() expects parameter 1 to be string array given notice for the multiselect field - FIXED * Added button new window option - ADDED * Added badge component - ADDED = 0.1.4 = * Avada theme default JS settings added for compatibility - ADDED * Pagination component added - ADDED * $ver class property added - ADDED